Sorry if this has been asked already, I tried search but no luck.
Okay, I have a server-side control defined as
<asp:Textbox id="textboxonserver" runat="server" />
What I want to achieve is to set the value of this control from client side javascript. document.getElementById("textboxonserver") won't work since the real id on page is something like ctrl$palceholder$textboxonserver. Tried $find, still nothing.
I know I can get the value by doing something like
My.prototype = {
_textboxid: null
Then set the textboxid = this.textboxonserver.ClientID inside the pageload() loop. But isn't this a bit overkill just for that purpose.
nvm...i found the answer myself:
inside my javascript I can actually do this:
var txtboxid = "<%= textboxonserver.ClientID %>";
then use document.getElementById(txtboxid) to get the object in DOM tree. Just not sure if this is the elegant way to do this although it works..

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