Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Accordian and Gaps between headers

Im sure that this issue has probably been addressed before, but if it has, could someone point me to the relevant post.

I have got an Accordian which is placed within a tablecell, and I have gap between the headers when first viewed. These gaps disappear when the accordian is used, or when I place the accordian outsde the table.

The accordian sample says "If you place the Accordion inside a <table> tag and have FadeTransitions set to true in Internet Explorer 6, it will affect the spacing between Accordion Panes."but I am viewing it in IE7 and have FadeTransitions set to false.

How can I get round this without removing the accordian from the table?


Any ideas anyone?


Sorry, this is not post with a solution, but a further gripe.

If an accordion is placed in web part (which renders eventually as a <table>), the same problem occurs. Its just taken several hours to zero in on identifying the conditions under which it happens.

The effect I see is that 10 pixels high spaces are suddenly added to the gaps between closed accordion panels when the mouse moves outside the accordions area. (Even a right click will do it). This always happens when the accordion is inside a <table>. I've searched everywhere for a surreptitious 10px padding (or two 5px ones) in the AjaxControlToolkit, in case it was being sneaked in somehow, to no avail.

Using the IE Developer Toolbar allows the space to be accurately measured and outlines the area in question quite nicely, but offers no clue as to why the gap appears.

The accordion works beautifully if there is no <table> in sight.

I know in html if there are white spaces between the table cells and an image a gap appears, which is rather annoying


will have a gap, but


there is no gap, so I am assuming that this is what is happening when the Accordian is put into a table.Crying

I had this problem also. Just use nested tables. Eaxmple:


<tr><td><img src=""></td></tr> <------- This gives you the white gap!

<tr><td><table><tr><td><img src=""></td></tr></table><td><</td></tr> <---Should solve the problem


This only happens when using an image in the accordian. See if this helps!

I just switched over to the new release of the toolkit version 10301 released March 1. Although it is not listed as an issue that was corrected, this strange spacing problem between the according panes has gone away for me. Unfortunately now the accordion only works in IE7. When I use IE6 the accordion is visible as the page is loading, but once the page finishes loading, the entire accordion disappears.

Here is the link for the new release... (if you dare)...


accordian and frames in IE

Hello all.

I'm trying to use the accordian controll on my page and it works great when I'm developing, but in the production environment my page is displayed inside a frame of another page. When I view the page in FF it works fine, but not when viewed in IE. The inital page looks fine, but the textareas don't collaps/expand when clicking on the headers. Is there anything I've missed or is this i bug?



Hello again.

I have been doing som research and found out the following. It might be a cross-domain problem. When the html page containg the framessets have a different domain name then the page containing the accordian, it does not work. The error is most likeky not related to the accordian, but the ajax scriptmanager control. It looks like it failes even on clicks in the page. I'm not sure, but I think is't a javascript that tries to fint the coordinates of the click and then try to access the page outside the frame.

Any idees on how to fix this?


I have solved the problem. The following link and the lates versjon of the ControlToolkit made it for me.


Accordian AjaxControlToolkit

How to insert a server control into the Accordian (AjaxToolKit control).And how to access this control while run time.

Look, here is how accordian control I am using pasting your markup

 <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Change Text" /><br />    <asp:ScriptManager id="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> <cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server"> <Panes> <cc1:AccordionPane> <Header>"Test"</Header> <Content> <asp:Textbox ID="txt" runat="server" Text="Hello"></asp:Textbox> </Content> </cc1:AccordionPane> <cc1:AccordionPane> <Header>"Test1"</Header> <Content> <asp:Textbox ID="Textbox2" runat="server" Text="Hello2"></asp:Textbox> </Content> </cc1:AccordionPane> </Panes> </cc1:Accordion
now here is what I am using to add the control in one of my pane.

Dim TextBox1As New TextBox TextBox1.Text ="Dynamic Test" Accordion1.Panes(0).ContentContainer.Controls.Add(TextBox1)
and here is the code to set the text, (you can get too).

CType(Accordion1.Panes(1).ContentContainer.FindControl("Textbox2"), TextBox).Text ="Dynamic Text"

Accordian (indicators like collapsible panel)

I am sure this has come up - is there a way to add indicators on the accordian panel headers link we have on the collapse panel ?

Hi Codegalaxy,

Yes , as far as I know, we can do it by using Javascript. Here is my sample with shows how to hide a Panel when click on the Button.

<%@. Page Language="C#" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><script runat="server"> </script><html xmlns=""><head runat="server"> <title>Accordion</title> <style> .accordionHeader { border: 1px solid #2F4F4F; color: white; background-color: #2E4d7B; font-family: Arial, Sans-Serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px; margin-top: 5px; cursor: pointer; } .accordionContent { background-color: #D3DEEF; border: 1px dashed #2F4F4F; border-top: none; padding: 5px; padding-top: 10px; } .accordionLink { background-color: #D3DEEF; color: white: } </style></head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager runat="server" ID="ScriptManager1" /> <div> <asp:RadioButton ID="RadioButton1" runat="server" GroupName="Acc" Text="Accord1" onclick="chageAccordion()"/><asp:RadioButton ID="RadioButton2" runat="server" GroupName="Acc" Text="Accord2" onclick="chageAccordion()"/> <ajaxToolkit:Accordion ID="MyAccordion" runat="server" HeaderCssClass="accordionHeader" ContentCssClass="accordionContent" FramesPerSecond="40" TransitionDuration="250" AutoSize="None" SelectedIndex="0" RequireOpenedPane="false" SuppressHeaderPostbacks="true" > <Panes> <ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane1" runat="server" > <Header> Panel1</Header> <Content> PanelContent1</Content> </ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane> <ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane2" runat="server"> <Header> Panel2</Header> <Content> PanelContent2</Content> </ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane> <ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane3" runat="server"> <Header> Panel3</Header> <Content> PanelContent3</Content> </ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane> </Panes> </ajaxToolkit:Accordion> <input id="Button1" type="button" value="button" onclick="hidePanel()"/> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var accordion; function chageAccordion(){ if(accordion==null) accordion = $find('MyAccordion_AccordionExtender'); if($get("<%= RadioButton1.ClientID%>").checked){ accordion.set_SelectedIndex(0); } else{ accordion.set_SelectedIndex(1); } } function hidePanel(){$find('MyAccordion_AccordionExtender').get_Pane(0)"none"; //add your HTML Code here. $find('MyAccordion_AccordionExtender').get_Pane(0)"none"; $find('MyAccordion_AccordionExtender').set_SelectedIndex(1); } </script> </div> </form></body></html>

Please pay your attention to the Bold part. You can do some similar things here.

I hope this help.

Best regards,


Accordian - Smooth at first, then gets choppy

Here's what I have. I've got an accordian in a web user control. And I've placed it on all my pages. When I go to the first page it runs VERY smooth.. but once I click on a link from the accordian to another page.. the refreshed accordian user control is all choppy.

I also tried this with a datagrid in an update panel as a user control and it did the same thing. So I know it's not the accordian. It has something to do with atlas. I compared the source from a smooth page and a choppy page and there's no difference..

so what do I have to do to keep it smooth? or can you not use it as a web user control?

Apparently.. it's all IE6's fault.. ugh that really sucks.. I don't know if I can get the whole company to upgrade to IE 7 Beta 3.. stupid flickering..
Hi unlikelyband,

Did you discover a specific reason IE6 was causing this? Or is it just only IE6 that it happens in?


Well. I actually only tried IE 6 and IE 7 Beta 3.. and IE 7 is really smooth..

I don't really have time to text IE 5 or opera or firefox..

All I know is that it kind of sucks people are going to have to deal with the flicker until they manage to upgrade everyone to IE 7


Well it's true that the animation in IE6 isn't as smooth as IE7 and Firefox, but we're working on making the accordion snappier. Hopefully it won't be a problem for you and your users after the next release.


Accordian - Issue


I placed a textbox and a button in an Accordian (inside a pane). When i clicked the button and sumbit the form the data in the textbox is gone. It happens only in the first post back. After that there is no issue.

Can someone kindly let me know if it is an issue or am I doing something wrong ? Do I have do some special configuration in the According control to be used effectively ?




could you post .aspx and code behind code please.



Hi Satish,

I had done a mistake in my post ealier. The problem occurs when you put the textbox and the button in a user control and place that user control inside an accordian pane.

Here is the code,

file : testusercontrol.ascx

<%@. Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="testusercontrol.ascx.cs" Inherits="testusercontrol" %>
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="TextBox1" />
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="submit1" Text="submit" />
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="label" ></asp:Label>

file: testusercontrol.ascx.cs

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

public partial class testusercontrol : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

submit1.Click += new EventHandler(sub_Click);


void sub_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
label.Text = TextBox1.Text;

Here is the page where I have put the above usercontrol (there is no important code in the code behind for the page, so I am not going to put that here )

file: testatlas.aspx

<%@. Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="testatlas.aspx.cs" Inherits="testatlas" %
<%@. Register src="" TagName="testusercontrol" TagPrefix="uc1" %
<%@. Register Assembly="Microsoft.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
Namespace="Microsoft.Web.UI" TagPrefix="asp" %
<%@. Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="cc1" %
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:scriptmanager ID="Scriptmanager1" runat="server"></asp:scriptmanager>

<cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0" Width="100%" Height="100%"

<cc1:AccordionPane ID="pane1" runat="server">
<uc1:testusercontrol id="Testusercontrol1" runat="server">



The issue is when you enter some text on the textbox (which is in the usercontrol) and submit, the label should be populated with whatever you entered, but it does not :(.

It works fine when you put the user control outside of the according control.

Your help is highly appreciated.



hi Rukshan,

i tried your code, but problem is i'm gettign error that Sys is not defined. when you run your project see in status bar of browser if you see something like "Done but with errors on page".

i'll try to see if it works.



Hi Satish,

I do not get such an error in the browser.

Anyways, to reproduce the problem all you have to do it create a user control and put a textbox , a label and a button. In the button eventhandler, assign the the text in the textbox to the text property in the label.

Next create a page and put an accordian pane. Place the user control inside the accordian. Run the app.. When you click the button after entering some text in the textbox, idealy you should see that value in the label. But it doesn't . If you put the usercontrol outside the accordian, It works fine.

Hope you got the picture now :D



I was able to duplicate your issue. It seems as if the accordion control is not preserving the view state of it's composite controls. I am not a control guru but it seems that accordion should derive from CompositeControl instead of WebControl. This would do two things - help with the view state of the controls and also clean up the design time rendering.

But back to your problem. The work around solution is to do the following if you want the viewstate for your user control maintained:

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionPane myPane =new AjaxControlToolkit.AccordionPane(); testusercontrol myUC = (testusercontrol)Page.LoadControl("~\\testusercontrol.ascx"); myPane.ContentContainer.Controls.Add(myUC); Accordion1.Panes.Add(myPane); } 

And then just do the following for the accordion in the ASP:

 <cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0" Width="100%" Height="100%"> <Panes> </Panes> </cc1:Accordion>  

Let me know how it goes.

Hi Cloris,

Thanks a lot, you solution works. Wonder what made it preserve the viewstate when the controls are added in code.

Anyways, it solves the problem. :D

Thanks again!



I am not sure what caused this problem. I have been using the Accordion as my intro to web controls. I think it has something to do with the control and how it keeps track of where it's data is coming from - a datasource or the panes tags. When it tries to make the decision to reload the panes from the tags, it is not getting what it expects from the view state. So it just reloads the panes from scratch - killing the viewstate. There is some work that needs to be done in CreateChildControls and elsewhere. Definately a work in progress. The Accordion does function fine when attached to a datasource though.


Im new to this, i still dont get how this works? So do you HAVE to have your bits within a . ascx control in each pane and not just have a button to do something within the pane?

Also what do you need to put into your asp part of code so it knows where to look.


Hi Adam,

You can just put your stuff within the pane. No need ot have a user control.



Thanks Ruk

But how do i set the code above to apply for my button control and not a usercontrol as explained earlier?



Hi Adam,

I'm not sure if I understood your question properly, but I hope the following code would help

aspx file :

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0">
<cc1:AccordionPane runat="server" ID="pane1" >
Pane 1

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />


code file :

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) {base.OnInit(e); Button btn = (Button) Accordion1.Panes["pane1"].FindControl("Button1"); btn.Click +=new EventHandler(btn_Click); }void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("Clicked me ! "); }

That worked great, thanks!


Ok. But can you imagine this scenario.

1. First time I hit my page I render all accordion panes, with desired controls in it. Picture, Ajax.Rating control, ...)

2. Now I change some Rate in one of my panes. Page does PostBack

3. Now I can insert that rate in database, print message, do some logic...

4.problem: (I want everything that I binded in step 1 to see again after page is partially updated (I have Update Panel that wrap my accordion), That means I do not want again to bind my accordion panes, because this can be very time consuming!!!

5. My accordion does not show up.

Question: Am I missing something or have I logic error in my scenario?

Regards, Veroljub

Accordian - How to refer to contained controls in code behind?


If i put regular controls into an accordian pane they are not visible in the code behind file. In other words i cant get mydropdown.selectedvalue if mydropdown is contained in an accordian pane because the compiler will complain that mydropdown doesn't exist? My work around has been to put content into user controls and put the ascx's into the content panes but is this standard practise?



Hi Richard,

Since the AccordionPanes can be databound, they implement theINamingContainer interface and you're unable to access them directly in your code behind. You can work around this withDropDownList list = MyAccordion.FindControl("MyDropDown") as DropDownList;.


Accordian - Dynamic addition/subtraction of panels?

I want to create an accordian at page load and dynamically add a number of panels with varying content at that time..any thoughts and optimally psuedocode on how to do this?Hi Mike,

You can do it just like other controls. Here's a small example:

<%@. Page Language="C#" %><%@. Register Assembly="AtlasControlToolkit" Namespace="AtlasControlToolkit" TagPrefix="atlasToolkit" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><script runat="server"> /// <summary> /// Dynamically create our accordion panes /// </summary> protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); AccordionPane pane1 = new AccordionPane(); pane1.HeaderContainer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Pane 1")); pane1.ContentContainer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Pane 2")); MyAccordion.Controls.Add(pane1); AccordionPane pane2 = new AccordionPane(); pane2.HeaderContainer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Pane 2")); pane2.ContentContainer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Content 2")); MyAccordion.Controls.Add(pane2); }</script><html xmlns="" ><head runat="server"> <title>Accordion Demo</title> <style> .accordionHeader { border: 1px solid #2F4F4F; color: white; background-color: #2E4d7B; font-family: Arial, Sans-Serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px; margin-top: 5px; cursor: pointer; } .accordionContent { background-color: #D3DEEF; border: 1px dashed #2F4F4F; border-top: none; padding: 5px; padding-top: 10px; } </style></head><body><form runat="server"><div> <atlas:ScriptManager ID="Scripts" runat="server" /> <atlasToolkit:Accordion ID="MyAccordion" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0" HeaderCssClass="accordionHeader" ContentCssClass="accordionContent" FadeTransitions="true" FramesPerSecond="40" TransitionDuration="250" AutoSize="None"> </atlasToolkit:Accordion></div></form></body></html>

I think the code to add AccordinePane to Accordin is changed. the previous code didnt work for me.

// import Atlas Controlkit.

using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using AtlasControlToolkit;

//Create a Atlas Accordion instance.
Accordion aAccord = new Accordion();

// Create AccordionPane instance.

AccordionPane accordPane = new AccordionPane();

// create your Header panel( the title of each Pane). and your component to each pane container.
// add Header Panel and Container panel, the panel which which will collape and open.

accordPane.HeaderContainer.Controls.Add( headerPanel );
accordPane.ContentContainer.Controls.Add( collapsePanel );

// add accordPane to Accordin instance.

// you can add as many AccordPanes as you want.

// Add Accordin object to the Panel.
myPanel.Controls.Add( aAccord );


Hi Kishore,

Yes - in response to user feedback we've hidden theControls collection and replaced it with the easier to useAccordionPane-onlyPanes collection.


Is there a way to add an unknown number of AccordionPanes? I'm trying to do thing:

List<string> addresses =newList<string>();
addresses.Add("123 Main St, Phoenix, AZ, 85041");
addresses.Add("658 Alta Vista Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85041");int name =1;
foreach (string sin addresses)
AccordionPane pane =newAccordionPane();

pane.Width =

pane.ID ="pane" + name;
Accordion1.Controls.Add(pane);//it doesn't add the right pane because it's named wrong. What should I change?


And I can add the code in VB:

This is in AJAX.aspx (for example):






And following is in code behind AJAX.aspx.vb:

Imports AjaxControlToolkit


Class AJAXInherits System.Web.UI.PageProtectedSub aDynamicky_PreRender(ByVal senderAsObject,ByVal eAs System.EventArgs)Handles aDynamicky.PreRenderDim panel1As AccordionPane =New AccordionPane


New LiteralControl("This is a header of 01."))


New LiteralControl("And here is the content of 01."))


Dim panel2As AccordionPane =New AccordionPane


New LiteralControl("This is a header of 02."))


New LiteralControl("And here is the content of 02."))





Of course, you can format your panels via CSS.


Hi guys

can anyone tell me how to use accordians from the ajax toolkit ?



go there and watch the movie or download the code (vb or c#)

Hope it helps



Please do not forget to mark as answered. Thanks

Accordeon wont work - please help a newby


I am new to Atlas and trying to use accordeon extension from the toolkit. I have installed the toolkit and AjaxControlExtender, then created a web site with ajax-toolkit template and added accordeon control from toolbox to the Default.aspx

I get a few error messages:

Error 1 Type 'AjaxControlToolkit.Accordion' does not have a public property named 'AccordionPane'. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eBible-ajax\Default.aspx 13
Error 2 Type 'AjaxControlToolkit.Accordion' does not have a public property named 'AccordionPane'. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eBible-ajax\Default.aspx 16
Error 3 Content ('</ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane> </ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane>') does not match any properties within a 'AjaxControlToolkit.Accordion', make sure it is well-formed. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eBible-ajax\Default.aspx 16
Error 4 Accordion1:Type 'AjaxControlToolkit.Accordion' does not have a public property named 'AccordionPane'. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eBible-ajax\Default.aspx http://localhost:8080/eBible-ajax/

I guess I am missing something, possibly a very simple thing that is well knows to you guys but not yet to me. Below is how the pages' code looks. Thanks for help!

< Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title></head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" /> <div> <ajaxToolkit:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" Width="250px"> <ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane1" runat="server" ContentCssClass="" HeaderCssClass=""> </ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane> <ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane2" runat="server" ContentCssClass="" HeaderCssClass=""> </ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane> </ajaxToolkit:Accordion> </div> </form> </body></html>

Sorry about that .

We dont see the @.Register tag in your page to register the AjaxControlToolkit process.

Can you add this line after the @.Page tag ?

<%@. Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit, Version=1.0.10123.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %>

nope, doesn't help - same errors

it should be like this i believe



// panes in here



Figured this out, too. The Panes tag is not added for some reason when you add panes from properties box (panes -> collection -> add). Weird.

Thanks anyway.

Hi there,

you should check out the introductory video on this site


Accessing Wizard controls from client-side Javascript

Hello, all. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this. I know it is of questionable relevance given that the Wizard control is not an AJAX toolbox component, but since the Wizard is more useless without AJAX, I am hoping it is close enough to topic.

I am dealing with a Viewstate issue that is forcing me to use ScriptingServices for most of my async communications in order to keep round-trip bandwidth manageable. I want to be able to validate entries made on a long wizard both on-the-fly and at-once. But using ScriptServices, I need to access the values in the Wizard controls from client-side.

Trouble is, I have found that the wizard controls and their values are only visible to the DOM if the wizard page is active. Elements on non-active pages are totally inaccessible from client-side.

For example, a textbox with ID=TextBox1 is on page 1 of the wizard control ID=Wizard1; ID=TextBox2 is on page 2 of Wizard1

when Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex equates to page 1, then $get("TextBox1") works, but $get("TextBox2") does not.

I am assuming that there is some object reference to Wizard1 that can be used client-side to get the values from control on non-active pages, but I just can't seem to find it.

If anyone has experience with this and can tell me how to access these values, I would be highly appreciative.

Thank you again for the time, and in advance for any information you can provide.


That's because only content of active step will be rendered. Though, all of them will be encoded and saved in ViewState.

My suggestion is use hiddenFields out of the wizard to keep the value of different steps, and they will be always generated and persisted.

Thanks again for your time and thoughts. That's exactly how I have decided to handle it. It sure adds a lot of complication to what seemed like a pretty easy control. Add to it that I am replacing long dropdown lists with static values after a selection has been made to trim the viewstate, and I think it would have been easier to start from scratch.

The hidden fields work great -- very good idea.

Thanks again!

Accessing webservice over HTTPS with ajax

hey everyone, just an easy lil question to start me off into the world of ajax and web services :D

i have created a webservice that is located at

i've included it in the ScriptManager Services tag

but i'm still getting errors :(

do i have to create a web reference like the standard web services?

What is the exception?

FYI Cross Domain call is not allowed. The Web Service must exist in the same virtual directory/site.

Accessing Web Services that are external to my application.

Is it possible to use the <atlas:servicereference> to set a path to a web service that doesn't exist within the same application as the consuming aspx file?

All the samples and examples show the <atlas:servicereference path="" /> containing the path to an asmx file located within the same application as the consuming aspx file. How would I set a reference tohttp://somedomain/someapp/someservice.asmx ?

This can't easily be done because XmlHttp (the browser component used to make requests) disallow requests to other domain for security reasons. Note that youcan make requests to Atlas services in other apps, as long as they're in the samedomain. e.g. can use

In the next build of Atlas (around march), we will allow a limited form of cross domain method calls to Atlas services (without using XmlHttp).

Thanks. I can just reference the external web services from with the one local to my application.
Yes, doing this is what we call 'bridging', and we will also have addition support for this is a later build. In the meantime, do whatever gets you going! :-)

Accessing variables from OnComplete

Hello guys, we've been trying to convert our web app to Atlas from AJAX.NET and ran into a bit of a problem with the way our AJAX calls are structured.

Take, for example, this hypothetical function:

function getAlbumName(aID)
PlanetEye.GTTS.AjaxService.getAlbumName(aID, OnComplete)
function OnComplete(result)
document.getElementById("albumDiv").innerHTML =result;
Now, my question is: Is there a way to access the aID variable from within the OnComplete function? For example, if I want the innerHTML to read something like -"id: "+aID+" name:"+result

Back when we were using AJAX.NET we avoided the call back function all together so that we could just say:albumName =PlanetEye.GTTS.AjaxService.getAlbumName(aID);and continue on with the getAlbumName function, but i dont' think that's possible with Atlas, is it?

Thanks for any help, or pointers in the right direction Smile [:)]

Yep, you can use the userContext parameter which gets passed into the OnComplete callback, there's a few ways to specify the userContext, its probably best for me to just point you at the docs,

I believe your OnComplete will need to look like this once you update the call:

OnComplete(result, response, userContext)...

And you would just need to pass your aID as your userContext...

Hope that helps,


Yep, you can use the userContext parameter which gets passed into the OnComplete callback, there's a few ways to specify the userContext, its probably best for me to just point you at the docs,

I believe your OnComplete will need to look like this once you update the call:

OnComplete(result, response, userContext)...

And you would just need to pass your aID as your userContext...

Hope that helps,

This part motivated me to research a bit more about this in the search for the solution my needs. I was used to AJAX.NET in the way that I were able to get a result without having to write a callback function. For example (pseudo code):

1// Function called from any button2function PerformTasks(controlid, 2ndParam)3{4 // Ajax call5 res = AjaxMethods.GetResults(2ndParam);67 // Do the stuff needed8 document.getElementById(controlid).innerHtml = res.value;910 // Other logic11}

Using new WebMethod logic we need to pass parameters to the OnComplete function. We can do this using one value ou several becauseuserContext can be any JavaScript primitive type, array, or object. So consider this:

1// My example function called from an OnCLick event2function CommentFile(sFilename, drpClientID)3{4var arrUserContext = new Array();5arrUserContext[0] = sFilename;6arrUserContext[1] = drpClientID;78EntitiesService.GetFileNotes(sFilename, OnCommentFile, OnCommentFailure, arrUserContext);91011}1213// The OnComplete function14function OnCommentFile(arg, arrUserContext)15{16var sFilename = arrUserContext[0];17var drpClientID = arrUserContext[1];1819drpTmp = document.getElementById(drpClientID);20drpRevisionValue = drpTmp.options[drpTmp.selectedIndex].value;2122alert(arg);2324// all the logic from here, we can use the return arg and the param(s) from the source function that is triggered from any link, etc.2526}2728// The OnFailure function29function OnCommentFailure()30{31// Empty32}
My problems are solved with this solution.

Accessing values from dynamically created controls

Hi. I'm writing a web application that uses Atlas todynamically create controls in a specific section of a web page. I have 2 update panels. One of them contains a DropDownList. The other one will contain thedynamically created controls. The controls are created in the SelectedIndexChanged event of the DropDownList, and I coded that in the server side. All those controls are arranged in a table server control, which is also created in the SelectedIndexChanged event. The page also has a Button server control that will allow me to start processing the values entered by the user in the created controls. Of course this processing will be done in the server side. This button is not part of either update panel.

Now, the problem is that when I try to get the values of the controls in the Button Click server event, using the table.FindControl() function, I see that the table itself is null, so I cannot access any control value. I think the problem has to do with the fact that the table and its controls are created in the update panel, and for some reason everything created there is not available for my Button Click server event.

How can I solve this scenario?



Modifying the controls colletion during a postback is generally not a good idea in ASP.NET. Additionally, dynamically added controls will not persist through viewstate so you'll have to re-create and add them to the container on each postback.

Instead of adding/removing controls, I suggest you use the "Visible" property of the control. You can set the control.Visible=false, which will prevent it from rendering down to the client.

Hope this helps,


Thanks a lot Tony. The problem is that the user can choose 25 different elements in my combobox, and each element will require to create/show from 1 to 20 new controls on the dynamic section of the page. So if I take your advise and just put all possible controls on the page on design view, hidding or showing them asappropriate, wouldn't it be too much overhead for my page?



Any way you choose is going to require quite a bit of code on your end to determine when to show/hide or create/destroy controls. You are correct in that should you choose to instantiate all controls on the page load, it will indeed add extra overhead.

To acheive the results you are looking for, you'll need to test for which item is selected, and fill the update panel accordingly. The earlier this happens in the page lifecycle the better off you are. The one problem you might encounter is that replacing a control on the fly like this, could cause viewstate errors since the control which saved its viewstate in the previous response, has now been replaced with a completely different control.

We've actually built the behavior you're looking for directly into the Infragistics WebTab. It provides LoadOnDemand behavior though an AJAX mechanism. Using a Tab Interface also speeds up the development since you can separate your content into individual tabs, displaying only the relevant tab. In most cases the performance overhead incurred is well worth the development time saved. Of course, you'd need to make that call based on your own project requirements.

Hope this helps,

Hi Tony. You are completely right. I have just found that viewstate error you mention. I have tried to control that error, but I just keep getting errors when adding/removing controls. I would like to try using Infragistics WebTab, as our company has full licenses for the NetAdvantage suite. Could you please show me a small example of how could I achieve this behavior with the WebTab and the LoadOnDemand behavior? Or maybe give me a link to an example? I would reallyappreciate it.

Thanks a lot for your help,


Hi Julio,

You'll need to getNetAdvantage 2006 Volume 2 if you don't already have it. On the WebTab, set AsyncMode=On, and AsyncOptions.EnableLoadOnDemand=True. Next, using the interactive design surface, simply drag and drop your content into the desired Tab pane. You can even switch between tabs by clicking the desired tab on the design-surface. The WebTab has UpdatePanel-like behavior built directly into it, so postbacks will automatically be turned into AJAX callbacks. The LoadOnDemand behavior will also enable the initial page load to contain only the content for the selected tab, all other tab content will be dynamically retrieved as necessary.

Hope this helps,

Hi Tony. It seems likeUltraWebTabAJAX features won't help me. Theasync behavior I'm looking for starts outside the tab control, but not in the tabs itself. My UltraWebTab has 25 tabs inside it. I also have a dropdownlist which is outside my UltraWebTab. Now, without any AJAX behavior, what my page does is that, when you select an element in the dropdownlist I hide all the tabs except for the one that is related to the selected value on the dropdownlist. This of course causes a full roundtrip to the server.

So, what I'd like to happen is that, when I change my selection on the dropdownlist, all the not related tabs just become invisible, but with no roundtrip. I enabled all the async options you mentioned, but I thing they are mostly targeted for the scenarios where the user navigates between tabs, and no with my particular scenario. So I just thought I could solve this by adding an Atlas UpdatePanel and putting the UltraWebTab inside it. I also added a trigger to the panel so that any time the dropdownlist change its value, the updatePanel would update its contents.

Here is the code for my DropDownList:



<tdstyle="width: 3px"valign="top">




...And this is the code for the UltraWebTab and the UpdatePanel:


<tr><tdstyle="width: 239px; height: 101%;"valign="top"><atlas:UpdatePanelID="Up1"runat="server"Mode="conditional"><ContentTemplate><igtab:UltraWebTabID="MyUltraWebTab"runat="server"BorderColor="#949878"BorderStyle="Solid"BorderWidth="1px"ThreeDEffect="False"SelectedTab="16"AsyncMode="On"><DefaultTabStyleBackColor="#FEFCFD"Font-Names="Microsoft Sans Serif"Font-Size="8pt"ForeColor="Black"Height="22px"><PaddingTop="2px"/></DefaultTabStyle><Tabs>

<!--Here comes my Tabs and controls -->

</Tabs><RoundedImageFillStyle="LeftMergedWithCenter"HoverImage="[ig_tab_winXP2.gif]"LeftSideWidth="7"NormalImage="[ig_tab_winXP3.gif]"RightSideWidth="6"SelectedImage="[ig_tab_winXP1.gif]"ShiftOfImages="2"/><SelectedTabStyle><PaddingBottom="2px"/></SelectedTabStyle><BorderDetailsColorBottom="90, 120, 160"ColorRight="90, 120, 160"/><AsyncOptionsEnableLoadOnDemand="True"/></igtab:UltraWebTab></ContentTemplate><Triggers><atlas:ControlValueTriggerControlID="MyDropDownList"PropertyName="SelectedValue"/></Triggers></atlas:UpdatePanel></td>


But now I'm just getting an "Unknown Error" popup window every time I change my selection in the dropdownlist. It seems like any combination of UltraWebTab and UpdatePanel just does not work. I have already written Atlas apps with my current installation (June CTP) and they work fine until I add an UltraWebTab. All Atlas configurations in the web.config and the script manager are on place, so it should work.

Is there a known compability issue between UltraWebTab and UpdatePanel? If it is, is there any way I could achieve my desired behavior with UltraWebTab async and loadOnDemand options?

Thanks a lot,


Hi Julio,

You should contact Infragistics Developer Support and provide them the details above. A hotfix was made available on Friday, July 28th which may address this issue.


Accessing the ScriptManager in code behind

In a User Control, how do you access the ScriptManager in code behind? The ScriptManager gets placed on the "parent" aspx page, but seems not to be accessible from any user controls ascx that get added to that page.

Specifically, I would like to capture the ScriptManager.PreRender event for use in a Repeater control.

Is there a way to raise an event in the parent ASPX page that the child user control can pick up?

if you want to call parent control,

you can use


i am not sure why you want user control to do something with "ScriptManager.PreRender event"

why cant you use ScriptManager.PreRender event to do something for your user control ?

you can always use

Page.FindControl to call your use control in the ScriptManager.PreRender event

Hey, thanks for your reply. I could really use some help.

The goal is to use an update panel inside a repeater, both of which are use controls loaded onto a page. There are some inherint challenges with this. The first being that 1) the ScriptManager is not accessible because it is in the parent, 2) the update panel elements don't seem available at the time of the event. Below is my code to access them, but the me.parent.findcontrol always returns "nothing."

My research has shown me that the ScriptManager.PreRender is the event that I can access/ change these values.

My entire page works great, except the update panel inside the repeater does not update and I cannot access the objects within it (i,e, a label)

Sub handleTypeTest(ByVal senderAs System.Object,ByVal eAs System.EventArgs)


Dim tempVAsString = ddlAnswerType.SelectedValue

ddlAnswerType.Visible =False

Dim tempUPAs UpdatePanel =Me.Parent.FindControl("upDropDowns")

IfNot tempUPIsNothingThen tempUP.Update()

Dim tempLabelAs Label =CType(Me.Parent.FindControl("lblTest"), Label)

tempLabel.Text ="changed"

Catch exAs Exception



Accessing the pages server controls during webmethod calback


Tell me please, when we call a webmethod during a callback, we send parameters through the javascript and dom to the webmethod on the server, right?

What if on the server I want, not only to access parameters sent from the javascript calling function, but I also want to acccess controls of the page, like other controls that didnt request the callback, like a gridview control or asp:textbox control, controls that re located on the page but that have nothing to do with the callback call.

Thanks a lot for your help.

PageMethods are static methods and have no access to controls on the page. However the client-side callback can access the DOM.

Accessing the PageRequestManager when Page is iFramed

I have a page that has a scriptmanager, updatepanel, and timer in it. This page is iframed by another page on another domain. I'm trying to override what happens when the update panel / asynch post back has an error like so:

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest( endRequest );
function endRequest( sender, e ) {
if( e.get_error() ){

Per Luis' post here:

This seems to work fine but when the page is iframed in i get the following javascript error:

'Sys' is undefined.

Any ideas on how to fix this?



I am afraid we cannot find out the exact root cause without further information captured when the problem occurs.

But please follow this link on the main page of the, I see that this is well explained:

Demystifying 'Sys is undefined' :

You can also check this link for more help ifyou're using IIS7:

Resolving the "Sys is undefined" error in ASP.NET AJAX RTM under IIS 7 :

Let me know if you have further questions on this,

If this help you,don't forget mark it as a answer.Thanks!

NOTE:This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites; therefore, Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any software from the Internet.

accessing server-side objects from client

Hi wizards,

I'm writting this Ajax Extender Control to switch objects within a panel. It was supposed to work like this: you choose a data-type in a dropdown list (which is the extended object, by the way -- this.get_element()), and the content of a Panel (<div>) changes accordingly; i.e., if you choose "DateTime" in the dropdown the panel will show a Calendar, etc.

In order to perform that I have to fetch this object from server. So, my question is: how can I fetch a server-side object from client-side? How can I change its properties?

For example: an object with property Visible=false is not rendered and therefore does not appear on client; but what if I still want to set it to Visible=true? Can I grab the rendered portion of this client-code (HTML) and insert in the current page?

I'm not sure whether I made myself any clear; I'm confused, so the question may be obscure too. Let me know if you need more information.

thanks a lot in advance,

Do you know vb or C#? You will need to submit the page and do some code-behind.


Do you know vb or C#? You will need to submit the page and do some code-behind.

Well, yes, I think I know C# -- I'm not sure whether I know enough, though.

Sorry, I don't understand these terms; what is code-behind? What do you mean by "submit the page" -- which page?

That sounds kinda vague to me... :-|

thanks a lot for your post,

What is this web page for? Post the code you already have if any.

You may be better offtriggering a partial postback via __doPostBack(), to change the Visible property on your controls at the server.

Another option would be to style the controls with CSS to hide them. Using "display: none;" instead of the Visible property. Then, the server controls still render their HTML, but are hidden on the client. Take a look atmy post about inline label editing for an example of how to do that.

Your blog is awesome!!! I'll try the __doPostBack approach. Thanks a lot for your prompt reply and congratulations for the great work! :-)

my best regards,

Accessing server-side Datatable object from client-side javascript?

I am working on a control that generates 2D charts (line,bar,pie,etc) using VML (for now) to draw the charts client-side. I am new to Javascript and still cant figure out how to access the data I need to graph from the javascript side. I am currently using a Sys.Data.Datable on the client side as test data (building the table manually in javascript) and it works fine but I cannot figure how to pass a datatable from the server to the control extension behavior?

I have read/seen code on the forums on how to do this using a web-service but I am really looking at a more generic approach where people could just bind a datatable to the control via the properties or in code so they can use their business logic layer functionality without having to write web-services.

Let's say I have the name of the page object/variable holding the datatable (from properties of control) how would I access this object as a Sys.Data.Datatable in Javascript? Would I need to use some kind of converter?

(hope I explained myself correctly and this makes sense to someone hehe)

Thanks in Advance


Hello Pascal:

> I am new to Javascript and still cant figure out how to access the data I need to graph from the javascript side.

Strictly speaking, you can't! It is the server-side code that renders client-side code, so what you can do is actually the reverse: write the datatable to javascript.

Here is a topic that can give some hints:

This said, please feel free to go deeper with your question if needed.


Thanks for the quick reply btw :)

Here is some example of what I am trying to do (not actual code):

Lets say I have some ASPX page code like...

<script language="VB"> Private sub Page_Load() dim myTable as System.Data.Datatable ... populate table ... End sub</script><html> <body> <atlas:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="PageScriptManager" EnablePartialRendering="True"> </atlas:ScriptManager> <asp:Panel ID="ChartPanel" runat="server" Height="300" Width="400" /> <cc1:ChartPanelExtender ID="ChartPanelExtender1" runat="server" > <cc1:ChartPanelProperties ChartTitle="This is my Graph!" TargetControlID="ChartPanel" ChartType="0" ChartHeight="100" ChartWidth="300" ChartBackColor="#FF3A00" ChartTitleFontFamily="Arial Black" ChartTitleFontSize="20" ChartTitleFontWeight="Normal" ChartTitleTextAlign="Right" /> </cc1:ChartPanelExtender> </body></html>

The ChartPanelExtender is an atlas control extender that has its functionality (chart graphing) in its ChartPanelBehavior.js javascript file. What I would like to do is access that myTable from inside the javascript behavior file? Is that possible?

Thanks in advance,


Accessing SelectedIndex of Datagrid inside a bound Accordion Control

I have a bound Accordion Control with its Content Template containing a gridview. Each Gridview is populated on the Accordion ItemDataBound.

The Gridview containes a set of bound checkboxes with autopostback set to true.

When a checkbox is clicked i need to find the selectedindex of the row in the gridview in question. I'm trying to retreive the selected index from within the form load event.

Any ideas?

Just to let you know, if you have your checkbox inside the GridView, you have to find the control within the GridView first and then see what is the selected value or index.

CheckBox myCheckBox = (CheckBox) GridView1.FindControl("myCheckBox1");

int i = myCheckBox.SelectedIndex;

Just one more thing, Enable Tracing for your page Trace="true" in the <%@.Page Language=... so you can see what is the name for your control. Because if you are using master page the names would be auto generated with a prefix.

Hope this would be any help to you.


Just to let you know, if you have your checkbox inside the GridView, you have to find the control within the GridView first and then see what is the selected value or index.

CheckBox myCheckBox = (CheckBox) GridView1.FindControl("myCheckBox1");

int i = myCheckBox.SelectedIndex;

Just one more thing, Enable Tracing for your page Trace="true" in the <%@.Page Language=... so you can see what is the name for your control. Because if you are using master page the names would be auto generated with a prefix.

Hope this would be any help to you.


Thanks for the reply.

It doesn't realy help as firstly I need to find the gridview within the accordion control, then find the datakey of the row (checkbox) that's been clicked on.

I'm not sure how to index the accordion control as it's bound and doesn't use the panes collection?

Accessing same application on two different machines.

Hi All,

I have one situation I want some focus and answers to this. Please help me in this.

The situation is like this, There is one web application installed on two different machines.

Suppose if one machine is shutdown for maintaince, thne the user accessing the application

should be redirected to the second machine.

I am not very clear whether this will work. Its just a suggestion

A third machine has to be there to monitor the status of two machines and based on availability the request has to be redirected.

yes that is right, the user is accessing the application from third machine. I want to know how to redirect the user depending on the condition mentioned in post.


There are very smart guys/girls, and solved your solution for a long times ago.

You can setup Web Farm, server clustering, free to use on the Windows Server Environment.


Hope this solve your problem.

Accessing Request headers from web service, invoked using Ajax

I need a small help.

I have a web service, in which I have a web method, which detects the browser locale using request object.

If I invoke the web service directly from the browser, I am able to get the browser language from Request object'sHTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGEheader.

But If I invoke the same web method from some aspx using javascript XMLHttpRequest, I always get the request headerHTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE null.

Is this the behavior of the web services.

Then how can I access the browser language setting for the current request in the web service.

Is there a way to invoke the web service with the same request settings as that of aspx page while using xmlhttp.

Thanks in Advance


I saw that you got this issue answered byJohn Saunders at, Here is quotation:

You are unlikely to receive a browser language setting if the web service is not called from a browser.

Accessing profile info from Webservice

This is the situation I'm facing: I have a AutoCompleteExtender which fetches data based upon the information stored in Profile fields. When I write the code for the webservice connected to the Extender, I cannot access the data in's User Profiles. I have a suspicion this is because a web service is not really part of the website, but rather a standalone application.

Is there a way to use the Profile information in a web service?Nobody out there with an answer?
If the web services are part of the app, then there shouldn't be any domain access issues. Can you copy up your code?
I found out how to do it: apparently one needs to access the httpcontext in order to retrieve the Profile information:


thank you for posting this!

i've been looking everywhere for such information, and even wrote a post on this board half hour ago after google groups search, but than came across your post and i will be able to sleep tonight.

thanks again!

Accessing PopupControl methods from client script


How can I access the client-side functions of the PopupControl (namely "hide()")? Rather than the user having to click elsewhere on the page I also want to have a close button. According to the Firebug DOM explorer, the div element thats used for the popup has a property "PopupBehaviour" but trying to access this throws an error.



Not sure if this is the "correct" way to do this but I do this:




I'm running into the same problem. I want to do a client-side close of the popupcontrol. I tried getting the uniqueid of the panel that's being popped up and setting the .style.display property to 'none' and that closes the panel but the problem is that whatever controls the panel used to cover are disabled. They've done this on purpose to disable controls from underneath the overlayed panel from being selected while you are selecting controls on the panel. So my solution half works.

Does anyone in the ASP team or someone who's had a need to close the popupcontrol control on the client-side have a clean a proper solution for this? Doing a postback to close the extender is a really stupid way of closing it so I'm sure someone must have come across this... Thanks!


In version 1.0.10123.0 of the toolkit i do this on the client side which seems to work, as I said before I'm not sure if this is the correct way but it works.


I found this nice free popupcontrol. It comes with full source and also the .dll. Its nice to have this control in your Visual Studio Toolbox. ;)

Dainty Date

Jeff, thanks that works.

Cool. I will try that. Currently I use a button that calls "" to simulate the clicking elsewhere outside of the popup which effectively closes it.


The easeist way to do this is add a BehaviorID="MyPopup" on the extender and then usevar behavior = $find('MyPopup'); in script.


Accessing objects outside update panel

I am trying to access the label or div which is outside the update panel after its post back occurs.

here is code...

how can I make that alert work in Button1_Click method?

thanks in advance...

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text ="Standard Page Load: " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(); Label2.Text ="Standard Page Load: " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(); }protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lt.Text ="alert(document.getElementById('" + Label1.ClientID +"').value);"; Label2.Text ="Ajax Page Load: " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + lt.Text; }

<html xmlns=""><head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title></head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" /> <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label><div> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label> <br /> <br /> <script language="javascript"> <asp:Literal id="lt" runat="server" /> </script> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click" Text="Button" /> </ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel> </form></body></html>

Try this:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string script = "alert($get('" + Label1.ClientID + "').innerText)";

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alert", script, true);

Label2.Text ="Ajax Page Load: " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();


thanks Rashid... that was helpful.

Accessing objects in an UpdatePanel

I'm trying to reference a textbox that is located in an updatepanel and was successfully doing so until I installed the latest version of the CTP (Sept 2006) and now I don't have programmatic access to the objects in the update can I get to this? Below is my same code that worked in the last version:



privatevoid DisplayMessage(string s)
((TextBox)this.Parent.Page.Master.Controls[3].FindControl("tbxStatusMessage")).Text = s;


I'm trying to reference a textbox that is located in an updatepanel and was successfully doing so until I installed the latest version of the CTP (Sept 2006) and now I don't have programmatic access to the objects in the update can I get to this? Below is my same code that worked in the last version:



privatevoid DisplayMessage(string s)
((TextBox)this.Parent.Page.Master.Controls[3].FindControl("tbxStatusMessage")).Text = s;

You should be able to access the control directly. This should work for your DisplayMessage function:

tbxStatusMessage.Text = s;

The problem is that my DisplayMessage is sitting in a UserControl that is loaded dynamically into the page. The UserControl knows nothing of the page until runtime.
The problem is that the DisplayMessage method is found in a UserControl which is being dynamically added to the page at runtime. I'm having to use the FindControl command because of that reason. Any more ideas?

What error are you getting? Have you tried just calling page.findcontrol()?

A quick example:

.aspx file:

<%@. Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="wizard_validation.aspx.vb" Inherits="wizard_validation" %><%@. Register Assembly="AtlasControlToolkit" Namespace="AtlasControlToolkit" TagPrefix="act" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns="" ><head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title></head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <atlas:ScriptManager runat="server" ID="blah2" EnablePartialRendering="true"></atlas:ScriptManager> <atlas:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="blah" Mode="conditional"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:Wizard ID="NewFormWizard" runat="server" Width="100%" BackColor="#EFF3FB" BorderColor="#B5C7DE" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="0.8em" CancelButtonText="Cancel" DisplayCancelButton="true" > <WizardSteps> <asp:TemplatedWizardStep ID="WizardStepGeneral" runat="server" Title="*General"> <ContentTemplate> <h1>Header!</h1> </ContentTemplate> </asp:TemplatedWizardStep> </WizardSteps> </asp:Wizard> </ContentTemplate> </atlas:UpdatePanel> </div> </form></body></html>

Code-behind (in VB, but I'm sure you can figure it out):

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal senderAs Object,ByVal eAs System.EventArgs)Handles Me.LoadDim iAs Integer Dim tmpwizardAs Wizard tmpwizard = Page.FindControl("NewFormWizard")If tmpwizardIs Nothing Then' failure i = 0Else' success i = 1End If End Sub

It returns with a success on that sample page. However, this is not a dynamically added control, so if you could post an example if using "Page.FindControl" doesn't work, it'd be easier to help ya out.

I figured out the problem...turns out it was actually simplified even more in this release and the cause of the error was something completely different. Thanks Matt!

Accessing Masterpage Ajax control from Web user control

Hi all,

I have created a master page in asp2.0 and i have placed ModalPopupExtender in that. I have written a custom Textbox control. In that text Changeded event i have created reference to the Masterpage modalpopupextender using Findcontrrol method. But i cant able to loop through tge Master page controls Properly. I am unable to findthe controls with its client id. Can anybody know how to solv this.

My aim is to call the modalpopupextender show event from the custom control.



Sub AHNLookup_Click(ByVal senderAsObject,ByVal eAs System.EventArgs)HandlesMe.Click

{ Dim contr as ModalpopupExtender

Contr ="ModalPopupExtender1") -->Gives error as Null object.



Thanks in advance.



Please try to find it in a recursive way.

public?Control FindControlRecursive(Control root, string id)
????if (root.ID == id)
????????return root;

????foreach (Control c in root.Controls)
????????Control t = FindControlRecursive(c, id);
????????if (t != null)
????????????return t;

????return null;
Hope this helps.

Accessing Master page control from child page


In my application I have implemented a customized error control, which gets visible on any error raised.

Issue is, in one of the page where we have implemnted Update Panel, and onClick of a button I wants to raise a error on the control in Master page.

The Page object has a Master property that will reference the properties of the master page. Note that you will need to apply the MasterType directive to your page or use the Page.MasterPageFile property to reference the master page properties.


You can retrieve the master page controls by using this.masterPage property.

Hope this helps


In all my other pages I am able to access the properties of master page, but not able to access the property for the page where Update panel is implemented.


in my opinion, this is what you should do:

1. create an interface which has the properties/methods you want to access.

2. change the master so that it implements the interface. if you want to get a property from q control, don't forget to call ensurechildcontrols() beforeaccessing the control on the property code

3. on your page, start by getting a reference to the master and see if it implements the required interface. if it does, then just cast the master reference to the interface and use it to access the properties/methods you need.

accessing javascript from code behind


Ok, heres my scenario:

On the Client Side - I have a javascript event that populates a variable with a new value from an embeded activex control.

On the Server Side - I have a dataview that hooked to a database.

Desired Result - When the javascript event fires I need to pass the value of the changed variable to the server via a callback or something and populate the dataview based on the value received.

I know how to callback to the server on client event but My question is how do I access or pass that javascript value to the server? (Better yet does anybody know how to access a com object embeded in the browser from C#?)

I thought this would be easy but I just can't figure it out.

Thanks, Justin.

If I can gather what your saying, all you need to do is add runat="server" and an ID to whatever control you want and you can access it serverside. What most people do is add it to a hidden input, set that in javascript, and then access it via its ID in c#.

<input type="hidden" runat="server" id="theValue" />

theValue.Value = "Hello";

Create a hidden field on the page. Then from the client side JavaScript populate the hidden field with the value from the ActiveX control. You can then refer the value of the hidden field in the .CS file.

Let me know if you need a code example.

Thanks for the replies.


I am using a code as below but getng an error saying hdClientUTC undefined evnthough i declared tht can any one help me. I want to get the content of offset variable in my C# code.

HtmlInputHidden hdClientUTC;

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(),"MyScript","<Script for=" +"window" +" " +"event=" +"onload" +" " +"language=" +"jscript" +">" +" var now = new Date(); var offset = now.getTimezoneOffset(); alert(offset); hdClientUTC.Value = offset; document.Form1.submit(); " +"</Script>");

Accessing inherited behavior properties


I've created a new extender who's behavior class in the javascript file inherits from an existing control (in this case the cascading drop down) and registered it like so:

'CustomCascadingDropDown.CustomCascadingDropDownBehavior', AjaxControlToolkit.CascadingDropDownBehavior

I'm listening for the selectedValue property change event to occur so that I can access the resulting value and operate on it but when I try to access it from my inherited behavior class as this._selectedValue I get a null value. If I try using the callBaseMethod method to access the property accessor I get a different exception. How do I access inherited properties?

Also, what is the correct procedure for attaching to property changed events? I assumed from other posts that is by using this.add_propertyChanged(handler) but is this correct? How does this attach itself to a specific property or does it just enumerate through all properties that have been changed?

Thanks in advance.


can I see the code that you're using to handle the event?

Sure thing... thanks for the help by the way.

The code below is just a test. I just want to see if I can access the inherited property.

First I attach a handler to listen for the property changed event in the initialize method of my custom behavior:

initialize : function() {
PersistentCascadingDropDown.PersistentCascadingDropDownBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');

Again, I'm not sure if this is the correct way to attach a handler to the propertyChanged event. It is only an assumption (how exactly do I target only one of the many properties that raise propertyChanged events?).

Next is my event handling method.

test : function (sender, args)
if (args._propertyName == "SelectedValue")
// Throws an exception
alert(PersistentCascadingDropDown.PersistentCascadingDropDownBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'get_SelectedValue'));

// Alerts as undefined

// Alerts that object doesn't support method

Thanks again for your help.

Accessing Guid returned from WebService in Javascript

Hi, I have read through the forum posts and looked in the 'QuickStart' documentation but I am still stuck: How can one read the value of a System.Guid passed back to Javascript?

I have a WebService:
[WebMethod][XmlInclude (typeof(System.Guid))]
public Guid WebLogin(string UserID, string Password) {

Which I call, via Atlas, from JavaScript:
function LogIn(UserID, Pwd) {
K2.WebService.Connection.WebLogin(UserID, Pwd, LogInResult);

function LogInResult(result) {
alert (result);
} ...

I cannot access the value of 'result' (which will be a System.Guid). We used to use the old - where one could access 'result.value' and read the value as a string. I have tried adding the [XmlInclude typeof(System.Guid))], which a forum post hinted at, but nothing was added to the /js as a result.

Thanks in advance for any help you are able to provide.

I have used the JSON.stringify() at to look inside 'result' and it is empty. Have I got to create a converter class on the server side? If so is there a source code sample somewhere?

Thanks again.

I think a custom converter would be needed to make Guids work, since they don't have any properties that can be automatically serialized to Javascript. But the simplest solution is probably just to change your web method to return the Guid as a string.

How are you planning to use the Guid on the client?

Thanks for the speedy reply;

Will write a string based WebService wrapper for the existing WebMethod (as it is already in use from thick clients).

Yes, that should work. Please let me know if it doesn't.

Accessing gridview inside Accordion Control

Hello Guys,

I am trying to access the gridview control that is inside the accordion control.

// Filling Pending Grid - Does not work
aFileInfo = fHandle.GetFiles("Pending","*.dat");
PendingGrid.DataSource = aFileInfo;
This code doesnt work.

I had to replace it with the following code in order to make it work:

((GridView)this.MyAccordion.Panes[0].FindControl("PendingGrid")).DataSource = aFileInfo;

any idea why i cant directly access the Gridview using its ID directly?

Thanks in advance

I think this has to do with the AccordionControl being a templated control, and that's just how they work.

Accessing DropShadow properties through javascript

I am have trouble accessing the properties of a drop shadow through javascript. My dropshadow looks like this

<asp:Panel runat="server" id="registeredusersTab"></asp:Panel>
<atlasToolkit:DropShadowExtender id="dsregisteredusersTab" runat="server">
<atlasToolkit:DropShadowProperties targetcontrolid="registeredusersTab" opacity="0" rounded="false" trackposition="true">
And I'm trying to use the following script on click of another link...
Its basically can't find dsregisteredusersTab. Any help would be greatly appreciated...

You need an ID on the properties object itself, not the extender. Check out the DropShadow sample page for an example of this:

<asp:Panel runat="server" id="registeredusersTab"></asp:Panel>
<atlasToolkit:DropShadowExtender id="dsregisteredusersTab" runat="server">
<atlasToolkit:DropShadowProperties targetcontrolid="registeredusersTab" opacity="0" rounded="false" trackposition="true"ID="dsBehavior">




Accessing DropDownList in UpdatePanel programmatically

I have an updatepanel within and updatepanel and am trying to access a drop down list as shown below. I am receiving an error saying the object is not set.

Dim LOAN_TYPEAs DropDownList =New DropDownList

LOAN_TYPE = UpdatePanel1.FindControl("UpdatePanel2").FindControl("ddlSIM_TYPE")


Any ideas?


Dim LOAN_TYPEAs DropDownList = CType(UpdatePanel1.FindControl("UpdatePanel2").FindControl("ddlSIM_TYPE") , DropDownList)


I tried that as well and same message. This is driving me nuts...

Any other ideas? Thanks for your help!

Use UpdatePanel.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl(), instead.

You are going to hate me but that resulted in the same error message.


You need to use it on both UpdatePanels. In C#, it would work like this:

UpdatePanel up2 = (UpdatePanel)UpdatePanel1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("UpdatePanel2");
DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)up2.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("ddlSIM_TYPE");

I'm not sure of the exact VB syntax, but hopefully that makes sense.

Though, unless UpdatePanel2 is dynamically generated, you ought to be able to just find the dropdown like this:

DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)UpdatePanel2.ContentTemplate.FindControl("ddlSIM_TYPE");

Ok, tried that and no luck. Here is the code section:

Dim p2As UpdatePanel = UpdatePanel1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("UpdatePanel2")

Dim PVAs TextBox = p2.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("txtSIM_PV")

Dim IAs TextBox = p2.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("txtSIM_I")

Dim NAs TextBox = p2.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("txtSIM_N")

Dim LOAN_TYPEAs DropDownList = p2.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("ddlSIM_TYPE")

If LOAN_TYPE.SelectedValue ="Std"Then

When accessing this if statement i get an object not set error when accessing any of the objects shown above. I have checked and double checked everything and no luck. its inside the Form tag, it has runat=server, etc. Any other ideas - I am at my wits end...


Well on the bright side, if you're not getting the error until the conditional, that means the UpdatePanel2 find is working.

Inside UpdatePanel2, are your TextBox and DropDownList controls contained within another control, like a panel or a wizard or a repeater?


I agree withgt1329a.

But seeSolution to the FindControl problem for more information about FindControl problem.

Best Regards,

Accessing controls within in an Accordion ?

Hi all,

A simple problem : I can't get access by to a control placed within a Accodion pane.

More exactly, code completion in C# is giving me the name of the component (a Literal within a Pane of an Accordion) but at runtime I get an error (null reference), the Literal is not created, whatever the moment I try to catch it.

I tried a lot of different events (of the Page, of the Accordion..), I tried to use FindControl instead of direct acces to "Literal1", all failled..

I need to dynamicaly load the content of a Pane when the Page is rendered. I generaly use a Literal since I inject html code. What is the trick to access an asp control within an Accordion Pane ??

Thanks in advance for your help.

The easiest solution would be using FindControl(). Have a look at the following example:

.aspx page:




@.RegisterAssembly="AjaxControlToolkit"Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit"TagPrefix="ajaxCT" %>


DOCTYPEhtmlPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""">

















.cs file(code behind):

protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender,EventArgs e)


GridView myGridView = AccordionPane1.FindControl("GridView1")asGridView;

myGridView.DataSource= myDataTable; // myDataTable is defined somewhere else



Hopefully this would be helpful.



Accessing controls within an Accordion for UpdatePanel triggers

HI All,

I have an accordion control, which contains a treeview control in one of its panels. I would like to use some of the events for that treeview control as a trigger for an update panel on the same page. Works fine without the Accordion, but when I use the Accordion, I receive an error notifying me that the treeview doesnt exist (I assume because the Accordion control hides it from the source engine).

Any thoughts on how to get around this?




I find that I run into this alot. Basically when you have a template control, then the child controls aren't directly accessible from the code behind. Instead you need to get the parent control and call parent.FindControl("name"). Then use this instance to make changes. If this doesn't work or make sense, post an example.

Accessing Controls outside Update Panel.


I am having a webapplication in which i am having two pages. w1.aspx and popup.aspx,

On w1.aspx I am having a Menu control and a UpdatePanel control (Ajax Control) and then under Update panel i am having a link named SigIN and a button named refresh,On the click of SignIN l;ink the popup.aspx opens which provides functionality to signin , On that popup window i am logging user in using ajax so there is no refresh in that popup when user signing in.

Now after user signin succefully from the popup.aspx page that is a popup window i am displaying a messge to the user there that "You are SignIN succesfully and now close this window"

When user close the popup window then user comes on the w1.aspx , Now i want when user press the Button Refresh that is present on the w1.aspx under updatepanel control.. then the text of first menu item in the menu control that is present on the page w1.aspx but not under updatepanel will be changed from SignIN to SignOUT, and the link label that is present on this page under updatepanel will be hidden after the click of this refresh button,

But the problem is on the click of this refresh button the link will be hidden but the text of the menu item is not changing. That is i am not able to acces the controls that are present outside the updatepanel control.


is it possible to acces the control properties present outside the UpdatePanel control on the click of a button that is present under UpdatePanel control.


Hi, you must to place any control that an another control on UpdatePanel changes on another UpdatePanel. Controls on UpdatePanel can′t to change controls outside UpdatePanel (Don′t happens an error, just don′t works). Don′t need to be the same UpdatePanel. Can be another one, but must be inside of UpdatePanel.

Hi mgodoy_desenv,

Can u please provide me a sample code for the same.

Thanks in Advance...

My codes are very big, so I will to try show. I don′t speak English so much, so excusive for my way of writing:

In code below, you have a control inside UpdatePanel and another one outside:

<asp: Textbox ID="Textbox1" runat="server"/>
<asp: UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server"/>
</asp: UpdatePanel>
To Button1 to change the Text property of Textbox1, Textbox1 must to be placed inside of an UpdatePanel. You not will have an error if that don′t to happen. Just don′t works.

To work, the Textbox1 must be a place inside of an UpdatePanel. The good news is that it don′t need be inside of same UpdatePanel. It can be placed inside another one.

The code below corrects the problem:

<asp: UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server">

<asp: Textbox ID="Textbox1" runat="server"/>
</asp: UpdatePanel>

<asp: UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server"/>
</asp: UpdatePanel>


Your idea is working for a single page but when i am working with master page and menu then i think its not working properly.

Wht i am doing is,

I am having a webpage w1.aspx which is using the master page m1.master, Now my master page having a menu. I want to update the value of that page from the w1.aspx on the click of a button that is present under an updatepanel on w1.aspx.

Now as you said take the control inside the update panel whose value you wann update, so i have taken the menu control under the update panel and then by taking the refrence of menu control on the page w1.aspx i am updating the value of the menu items. But after updatiing the values when i am moving the mouse over the menu items then it gives me the error. some javascript error. I d't know why this ?

If u can then try to do the same thing as i said... with master page..and menu contriol


There are many problems with use of UpdatePanel. We must be carefully with it, cause asynchronous post back uses many JavaScript. I haved, for example, many problems with Server.Transfer and UpdatePanel.

Your case isn′t diferent. UpdatePanel can has updated the menu control in a wrong way. Try do this:

1. Use a DataSource to menu. Create a method to populate it with a DataTable, or Xml.
2. When you to want to change items of menu control, change the DataSource (DataTable, or Xml) and call DataBind method of menu.

I don′t speak English so much. So, excuse me for my way of writing.

The Menu control is one of the few ASP.NET controls that isnot compatible with async postbacks. See for reference.

I would think you should leave the Menu controloutside of the UpdatePanel, but make it a trigger for the UpdatePanel you want to update with <asp:UpdatePanel ...><Triggers><asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="MyMenu" /></Triggers>...</asp:UpdatePanel>.

Actually, rereading the question, I may have missed the point here... I was assuming the Menu control was the one triggering the update, but that some other control on the page was being updated.

If the Menu control is the one you want to update, I think you're out of luck, since the Menu can't live inside an UpdatePanel.

Accessing controls inside an updatepanel in onPreInit event

I have an update panel inside a user control that is initialized during the page's PreInit event. However, as soon as I put an updatepanel inside this user control I can no longer access the controls inside this updatepanel during the PreInit event. The controls are all just "null". Am I doing something wrong, or does the updatepanel somehow change my ability to access these controls?Thanks,Jon

Set a breakpoint in PreInit and step through the PageLifeCycle then you see in what Event the UpdatePanel get initialized.

I was just wondering why putting an updatepanel in would break my existing code? Shouldn't it get initialized at the same time as the other controls?
Please have a look at Wally'sPodcast about the clientside lifecycle. I think he's awnsering youre questions.

Accessing controls in a tab control using javascript

Hi ,

Im my project im using tab control.I wat to access the controls inside the content template using javascript.

How is this done?

Anyone please help.

Thanks n regards



Im my project im using tab control.I wat to access the controls inside the content template using javascript.

You need to know the client id of the control you want to access. You can get the client id of the control using the ClientID property.

Then in javascript you do this

document.getElementById(<id of control>) to get reference to the control

i tried it.

I have a textbox "txtEmpCode" placed in the content template of tab control.then i tried to access it as follows


But im getting null value


I have a textbox "txtEmpCode" placed in the content template of tab control.then i tried to access it as follows


Because the text box is in the tab control it may get a different client ID. Best way to check is to view the HTML source on the rendered page and look for the exact ID.

Alternatively you can go textbox.ClientID to get the client rendered ID of the text box control.

i tried this code


But I am getting an exception

The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).

Description:Anunhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current webrequest. Please review the stack trace for more information about theerror and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details:System.Web.HttpException:The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control containscode blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of thecurrent web request. Information regarding the origin and location ofthe exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[HttpException (0x80004005): The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).]
System.Web.UI.ControlCollection.Add(Control child) +127
AjaxControlToolkit.ScriptObjectBuilder.RegisterCssReferences(Control control) in d:\E\AjaxTk-AjaxControlToolkit\Release\AjaxControlToolkit\ExtenderBase\ScriptObjectBuilder.cs:293
AjaxControlToolkit.ScriptControlBase.OnLoad(EventArgs e) in d:\E\AjaxTk-AjaxControlToolkit\Release\AjaxControlToolkit\ExtenderBase\ScriptControlBase.cs:260
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +74
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +158
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +158
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3036

Please help

Thanks and regards



i tried this code


But I am getting an exception

Where are you adding that code to?

You can always just inject the javascript doing this

StringBuilder sb =new StringBuilder();sb.Append("function getTextBox()");sb.Append("{");sb.Append("var textbox;");sb.Append("textbox = document.getElementById();");sb.Append("return textbox;");sb.Append("}");ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(),"mytextboxscript", sb.ToString());//now you have a javascript function that returns the textbox

Hi Prathibha,



But I am getting an exception

The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).

Description:An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

That's because you put the document.getElementById("<%=txtEmpCode.ClientID%>") in the wrong position. For example,

<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function getName(){

var labelValue = "<%=Label1.ClientID %>";

You will get the same error. So you should put it at the end of your form(or other proper position). By the way, you can use$get instead of document.getElementById() if you have added a ScriptManager before. They are the same but is much terser.

Best regards,


hi Jonathan,

Thank you.

can u please tell me where i have to give the javascript and how?

i got the javascript correctly when i gave the client id directly.

