Monday, March 26, 2012

Access not running webservice methods with only wsdl file


I'm new to web services. I'm using Visual Studio 2005, I'm developing a web app (c#). This application will use a java web service (hosted by tomcat) on the local machine. This webservice need some config to run, but on my developer machine i cannot make this configs.
My question: I cannot run the webservice, so I cannot add it to my "Web references", so I cannot insert the function calls into my code. BUT I have a wsdl file. So, is there any way to add a web reference to my code with this wsdl? (It will not work, but i can build my project)

Many thx


Thank you for you post!


#Web Services Integration


In order to add a Web Reference to a .NET Framework-based Web service client, the target Web service must have a WSDL document available. Apache SOAP 2.2oes not contain any support for WSDL.


Apache AXIS, also known as Apache SOAP 3.0, supported generating WSDL files.

We have just tested and VS can add web reference using a local WSDL file.

BTW,Wsdl.exe accepts the path to the wsdl file to generate a proxy.

If you have further questions,let me know.

Best Regards,


Thanks for your answer. I solve it strange way: I put the wsdl file to my localhost, so i can add it to my web reference list. It did not work, but i could build my project.


I told you in my last reply:

We have just tested and VS can add web reference using a local WSDL file.

So that is the answer:)

Happy coding.

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