Wednesday, March 28, 2012

accordian and frames in IE

Hello all.

I'm trying to use the accordian controll on my page and it works great when I'm developing, but in the production environment my page is displayed inside a frame of another page. When I view the page in FF it works fine, but not when viewed in IE. The inital page looks fine, but the textareas don't collaps/expand when clicking on the headers. Is there anything I've missed or is this i bug?



Hello again.

I have been doing som research and found out the following. It might be a cross-domain problem. When the html page containg the framessets have a different domain name then the page containing the accordian, it does not work. The error is most likeky not related to the accordian, but the ajax scriptmanager control. It looks like it failes even on clicks in the page. I'm not sure, but I think is't a javascript that tries to fint the coordinates of the click and then try to access the page outside the frame.

Any idees on how to fix this?


I have solved the problem. The following link and the lates versjon of the ControlToolkit made it for me.


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