Wednesday, March 28, 2012

accessing javascript from code behind


Ok, heres my scenario:

On the Client Side - I have a javascript event that populates a variable with a new value from an embeded activex control.

On the Server Side - I have a dataview that hooked to a database.

Desired Result - When the javascript event fires I need to pass the value of the changed variable to the server via a callback or something and populate the dataview based on the value received.

I know how to callback to the server on client event but My question is how do I access or pass that javascript value to the server? (Better yet does anybody know how to access a com object embeded in the browser from C#?)

I thought this would be easy but I just can't figure it out.

Thanks, Justin.

If I can gather what your saying, all you need to do is add runat="server" and an ID to whatever control you want and you can access it serverside. What most people do is add it to a hidden input, set that in javascript, and then access it via its ID in c#.

<input type="hidden" runat="server" id="theValue" />

theValue.Value = "Hello";

Create a hidden field on the page. Then from the client side JavaScript populate the hidden field with the value from the ActiveX control. You can then refer the value of the hidden field in the .CS file.

Let me know if you need a code example.

Thanks for the replies.


I am using a code as below but getng an error saying hdClientUTC undefined evnthough i declared tht can any one help me. I want to get the content of offset variable in my C# code.

HtmlInputHidden hdClientUTC;

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(),"MyScript","<Script for=" +"window" +" " +"event=" +"onload" +" " +"language=" +"jscript" +">" +" var now = new Date(); var offset = now.getTimezoneOffset(); alert(offset); hdClientUTC.Value = offset; document.Form1.submit(); " +"</Script>");

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