Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Accordian and Gaps between headers

Im sure that this issue has probably been addressed before, but if it has, could someone point me to the relevant post.

I have got an Accordian which is placed within a tablecell, and I have gap between the headers when first viewed. These gaps disappear when the accordian is used, or when I place the accordian outsde the table.

The accordian sample says "If you place the Accordion inside a <table> tag and have FadeTransitions set to true in Internet Explorer 6, it will affect the spacing between Accordion Panes."but I am viewing it in IE7 and have FadeTransitions set to false.

How can I get round this without removing the accordian from the table?


Any ideas anyone?


Sorry, this is not post with a solution, but a further gripe.

If an accordion is placed in web part (which renders eventually as a <table>), the same problem occurs. Its just taken several hours to zero in on identifying the conditions under which it happens.

The effect I see is that 10 pixels high spaces are suddenly added to the gaps between closed accordion panels when the mouse moves outside the accordions area. (Even a right click will do it). This always happens when the accordion is inside a <table>. I've searched everywhere for a surreptitious 10px padding (or two 5px ones) in the AjaxControlToolkit, in case it was being sneaked in somehow, to no avail.

Using the IE Developer Toolbar allows the space to be accurately measured and outlines the area in question quite nicely, but offers no clue as to why the gap appears.

The accordion works beautifully if there is no <table> in sight.

I know in html if there are white spaces between the table cells and an image a gap appears, which is rather annoying


will have a gap, but


there is no gap, so I am assuming that this is what is happening when the Accordian is put into a table.Crying

I had this problem also. Just use nested tables. Eaxmple:


<tr><td><img src=""></td></tr> <------- This gives you the white gap!

<tr><td><table><tr><td><img src=""></td></tr></table><td><</td></tr> <---Should solve the problem


This only happens when using an image in the accordian. See if this helps!

I just switched over to the new release of the toolkit version 10301 released March 1. Although it is not listed as an issue that was corrected, this strange spacing problem between the according panes has gone away for me. Unfortunately now the accordion only works in IE7. When I use IE6 the accordion is visible as the page is loading, but once the page finishes loading, the entire accordion disappears.

Here is the link for the new release... (if you dare)...


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