Saturday, March 24, 2012

Accentuation problem

I've an UpdatePanel that has textbox and dropdownlist inside it.
In the textbox I put words with accent, for example: á é í, and the dropdownlist has a AutoPostback = True.
When the SelectedIndex event happens, these controls are reloades but the words that a put with accent shows wrong, ex: ?? ?? ?-

How I correct this?

How about letting the dropdownlist have its own updatepanel?


'Cause all the controls are in the same table, will stay complicated to separate the <td> tags to all the dropdownlist that exists.
But I'll try to do this.

I did your suggestion but the problem happens in the grid now.
I put the words in the text box, select all the dropdownlists and click on a button.
This click save the resulto to a DataGrid, when the resuts go to DataGrid, the words are wrong (accent).

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