Monday, March 26, 2012

Access ClearMaskOnLostfocus value in Javascript

Hi, everybody

I want to access ClearMaskOnLostfocus value in javascript, is it possile??

Thanks in advance...


AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditBehavior =function(element)


// **************************************************

// Properties

// **************************************************

this._ClearMaskOnLostfocus =true;

Yes, you can set this property via javascript.

1. Get a reference to the component via $find method

2. Call set_ClearMaskOnLostFocus method on this component

For instance, say you have a MaskedEditExtender as following:

<ajaxToolkit:MaskedEditExtender ID="meeGrossSalesNCRPerStop"BehaviorID="mee" .... />

function change()
var mee = $find("mee");
mee. set_ClearMaskOnLostFocus(false);

Hope this helps.

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