Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Accessing the ScriptManager in code behind

In a User Control, how do you access the ScriptManager in code behind? The ScriptManager gets placed on the "parent" aspx page, but seems not to be accessible from any user controls ascx that get added to that page.

Specifically, I would like to capture the ScriptManager.PreRender event for use in a Repeater control.

Is there a way to raise an event in the parent ASPX page that the child user control can pick up?

if you want to call parent control,

you can use


i am not sure why you want user control to do something with "ScriptManager.PreRender event"

why cant you use ScriptManager.PreRender event to do something for your user control ?

you can always use

Page.FindControl to call your use control in the ScriptManager.PreRender event

Hey, thanks for your reply. I could really use some help.

The goal is to use an update panel inside a repeater, both of which are use controls loaded onto a page. There are some inherint challenges with this. The first being that 1) the ScriptManager is not accessible because it is in the parent, 2) the update panel elements don't seem available at the time of the event. Below is my code to access them, but the me.parent.findcontrol always returns "nothing."

My research has shown me that the ScriptManager.PreRender is the event that I can access/ change these values.

My entire page works great, except the update panel inside the repeater does not update and I cannot access the objects within it (i,e, a label)

Sub handleTypeTest(ByVal senderAs System.Object,ByVal eAs System.EventArgs)


Dim tempVAsString = ddlAnswerType.SelectedValue

ddlAnswerType.Visible =False

Dim tempUPAs UpdatePanel =Me.Parent.FindControl("upDropDowns")

IfNot tempUPIsNothingThen tempUP.Update()

Dim tempLabelAs Label =CType(Me.Parent.FindControl("lblTest"), Label)

tempLabel.Text ="changed"

Catch exAs Exception



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