Sunday, March 11, 2012

2 DragPanel on the sample place

Hi ThoNT,

The problem you're having has to do with theFloatingBehavior supplied by Atlas. The first thing that it does is set theposition toabsolute and tinker with the location. I would suggest you place thedivs you want to float inside individualtable cells and specify thetd widths, like in our\[Sample Web Site]\Panel Extenders\DragPanel.aspx page. You'll be able to drag the panels around exactly the same and you can have them formatted as you would like.


I would suggest thatsuggesting anyone putdivs inside atd is missing the point of adiv. Please tell me that's not long-term advise...
It's a typo. Ted meant div. ;)

Lol... No, I typed what I meant. I specifically went with tables because that's how we did it in the samples we already shipped for theDragPanelExtender. I also have the great satisfaction of saying that I wasn't the one who wrote that particular sample. =D

But if i want to Load it by anonther case, emxample:

I fill a dataset a record from DataBase called "PagePart"

then, this like my code

1foreach(DataRow drin ds.Table[0])2{3this.Panel1.Controls.Add(this.Page.LoadControl(dr["PagePartLink"]));4this.Panel1.RenderChildren();5}

And this is second question need help:

if i dont use for stament, i use a Repeater Controls

In repeater control, my code like that:

<ItemTemplate> <fytNET:PagePart runat="server" ID="PagePart1"> Caption = '<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Caption")%>' UcPath = '<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "PathToUcControl")%>' /></ItemTemplate>

and fytNET:PagePart is an UserControl that use DragPanel

<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server"
<asp:Panel Id="Panel2" runat="server"
<asp:Label id="Label1" runat="server"

asp:Panel Id="Panel3" runat="server"/

In my Behind code, i Load UserControl (this control have Path is value of fytNET:PagePart:UcPath) into Panel3.

When i view on browser, all Panel in Repeater are in the same place!

Hi ThoNT,

I think you're still getting hung up by the fact that the drag panels are being absolutely positioned. When you add 10 of these to a single div and then have our behaviors absolutely position them at the top, they effectively get stacked in a pile. You might consider checking out for more details on how CSS positioning works.


uh!, I know the diffirent of absolute and relative position of div tag, but in javas code, it is absolute, i cant change it because it complied in microsoft.web.atlas.dll file.

Can i change this Properties? Now, i must make another Control like atlastoolkit.DragDropPanel and creat a Property named "Position", user can set it to Absolute or Relative, but in DragDropPanel, it's not Exist.? Why?

i don't think you can drag it anymore if you set its position to relative. the whole idea of floating is based on "position:absolute;"

uh! a u sure? Because i did do it. It's Ok! U only change value of in a copy of sys.web.DragDrop... (I dont remeber exactly) to relative.

Then, you can dragDrop it to anywhere.


uh! a u sure? Because i did do it. It's Ok! U only change value of in a copy of sys.web.DragDrop... (I dont remeber exactly) to relative.

Then, you can dragDrop it to anywhere.

Can you post an example?

I'm having the exact same problem.


uh! a u sure? Because i did do it. It's Ok! U only change value of in a copy of sys.web.DragDrop... (I dont remeber exactly) to relative.

Then, you can dragDrop it to anywhere.

Can you post an example?

I'm having the exact same problem.

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