Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A problem when I use script manager, script manager proxy

I have an default.aspx and 3 link in that page. When I click to one of these links I want to load a usercontrol( ex: control1.ascx ) and in this user control I also use ajax in this control. Other Developer said that I must use a master page and declare a script manager in this page. In usercontrol I just need to use scriptmanagerproxy... But I don't know exactly what I have to do. Can you help me. Thanks all of you a lot.

Hi hamanhtuan,

Well the scriptmanagerproxy is an extended version of the scriptmanager. In your situation i think you can fix it with just a scriptmanager on your .aspx page and no scriptmanagerproxy on the user control. When your webpage contains a scriptmanager control and the usercontrol isn't you can still make use of the Ajax functionalities. keep in mind that when you deploy this usercontrol on an apsx page where you're not have a scriptmanager then it isn't working. The scriptmanagerproxy isn't a solution for this problem because the scriptmanagerproxy also needs a scriptmanager control. So drop a scriptmanager on your aspx page and other controls (Updatepanels) in your usercontrol and it will work. Hope it helps.


When I remove a scriptmanagerproxy on my controls and use Updatepanels in my usercontrol then my *.aspx can load these control. But in my control, I have a gridview, a refresh button and I want to auto update this gridview when click this button. How can I do this work ? Thank you for your last answer.

Hi hamanhtuan,

SO your gridview needs to be in the updatepanel and the button should be the trigger for the updatepanel. this will partial update the controls inside the update panel but take a look at the following:

Controls that Are Not Compatible with UpdatePanel Controls

The following ASP.NET controls are not compatible with partial-page updates, and are therefore not supported inside anUpdatePanel control:

TreeView andMenu controls.

Thank you for your answers.

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