Sunday, March 11, 2012

2 update panels on the page. last click woks and cancel first one!

This is the nature of Update Panel that more than one update panel cannot work simultaneously. Use the PageMethod/WebService to work more than one async request.


Try implementing queuing. Some links below that might help:

Genral tips (Queuing half way down):

Async calling:

Queuing class:

Hope one of these helps.

You do not need any queue unless you are making 2 or more async request.

If he has two panels and want to update both and the second page update is requested before the first return rather than cancel the first, if queueing is implemented, the first completes and then the second request is sent and completes, this would give repeatable experiance to the end user. Especially if the second panel relies on the values in the first panel.

I am not sure how do you queue Update Panel Request?

thanks for reply fo all

i don't want to put my post in queue and then they run one after other

but i want every one to work on his way at the time i click without queuing it

can i do this?

the above post says he solve the prob. without mention code. just implement another interface to something i don't knowSmile


Yes follow the Client Centric Development Model which is calling the WebService or PageMethods instead of Update Panel.

thanks for rpely

soory for asking again but i didn't dig into this before do you have reference for simple example show page method ?

thanks in advance.

Checkout this links:

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